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recipes.xml File

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2024 12:14 am
by Tony Ford
In the recipes.xml file we can make custom recipes as well as make changes to different things to make the game easier in many different ways wither its to aid those who do not have time to grind because they work, or whatever.

So lets cover now some of those things we can do with this file,

Near the top of this file we find,

Code: Select all

<!-- * * * * * * * * * * * * forge-emptying recipes: use_ingredient_modifier defaults to true and can disable the CraftingIngredientCount passive * * * * * * * * * * * * -->
<recipe name="resourceClayLump" count="1" material_based="true" craft_area="forge" is_trackable="false" craft_time="1" craft_exp_gain="0" always_unlocked="true" use_ingredient_modifier="false">
	<ingredient name="unit_clay" count="5"/>

<recipe name="resourceCrushedSand" count="1" material_based="true" craft_area="forge" is_trackable="false" craft_time="1" craft_exp_gain="0" always_unlocked="true" use_ingredient_modifier="false">
	<ingredient name="unit_glass" count="4"/>

<recipe name="resourceRockSmall" count="1" material_based="true" craft_area="forge" is_trackable="false" craft_time="1" craft_exp_gain="0" always_unlocked="true" use_ingredient_modifier="false">
	<ingredient name="unit_stone" count="5"/>

<recipe name="resourceScrapBrass" count="1" material_based="true" craft_area="forge" is_trackable="false" craft_time="1" craft_exp_gain="0" always_unlocked="true" use_ingredient_modifier="false">
	<ingredient name="unit_brass" count="1"/>

<recipe name="resourceScrapIron" count="1" material_based="true" craft_area="forge" is_trackable="false" craft_time="1" craft_exp_gain="0" always_unlocked="true" use_ingredient_modifier="false">
	<ingredient name="unit_iron" count="1"/>

<recipe name="resourceScrapLead" count="1" material_based="true" craft_area="forge" is_trackable="false" craft_time="1" craft_exp_gain="0" always_unlocked="true" use_ingredient_modifier="false">
	<ingredient name="unit_lead" count="1"/>
This is the "forge-emptying recipes" which can be modified to help players get more back than they put into their forges.

5 Clay = 1 Lump once placed into the forge by default & it takes 1 for crafting time giving no exp, but we can change those values if we wanted to so that when we empty those contents it will give us that 1 back as what ever number we change it to. So say we change that 5 = 1 to something like 5 = 10 then when we empty the forge we will get 10 back instead of one. Now if we wanted to we could also change that craft time to something more like .5 but if we go to low it could cause some serious lag to our server or computer depending how many players are connected & how powerful your system is. Also if we wanted to we could change that 0 exp to like say 1 & give the person putting items into the forge experience each time something it fed into it. This would make them level so much faster in the game! You can also copy & past that experience to pretty much anything in the xml files to advance in exp if you wanted to.

Another great place in this file to gain some serious resources is from bundles. We can also make them to were we can craft them in our inventory so that we will never run out of what we need & we will always have a massive amount when needed!

Code: Select all

<recipe name="resourceRockSmallBundle" count="1" craft_time="10" craft_exp_gain="0" tags="learnable">
	<ingredient name="resourceRockSmall" count="6000"/>

<recipe name="resourceWoodBundle" count="1" craft_time="10" craft_exp_gain="0" tags="learnable">
	<ingredient name="resourceWood" count="6000"/>

<recipe name="resourceScrapIronBundle" count="1" craft_time="10" craft_exp_gain="0" tags="learnable">
	<ingredient name="resourceScrapIron" count="6000"/>

<recipe name="resourceOilShaleBundle" count="1" craft_time="10" craft_exp_gain="0" tags="learnable">
	<ingredient name="resourceOilShale" count="6000"/>

<recipe name="resourcePotassiumNitratePowderBundle" count="1" craft_time="10" craft_exp_gain="0" tags="learnable">
	<ingredient name="resourcePotassiumNitratePowder" count="6000"/>

<recipe name="resourceLeadBundle" count="1" craft_time="10" craft_exp_gain="0" tags="learnable">
	<ingredient name="resourceScrapLead" count="6000"/>

<recipe name="resourceCoalBundle" count="1" craft_time="10" craft_exp_gain="0" tags="learnable">
	<ingredient name="resourceCoal" count="6000"/>
So by default it takes 6,000 of a resource to make 1 bundle of that item or resource. So if we wanted 1 bundle of stones we would need 6,000 stones, and to learn it. We can of course change that so that we don't need to learn it, and we can make it instantly from our inventory. So what we would need to do here is delete that tags="learnable" as seen below.

Code: Select all

<recipe name="resourceRockSmallBundle" count="1" craft_time="10" craft_exp_gain="0">
	<ingredient name="resourceRockSmall" count="6000"/>
Now if we wanted to create this bundle with just 1 small rock we would just change the 6,000 to 1 as seen below.

Code: Select all

<recipe name="resourceRockSmallBundle" count="1" craft_time="10" craft_exp_gain="0">
	<ingredient name="resourceRockSmall" count="1"/>
If we wanted to change making 1 bundle into 5 we could just change it as seen below.

Code: Select all

<recipe name="resourceRockSmallBundle" count="5" craft_time="10" craft_exp_gain="0">
	<ingredient name="resourceRockSmall" count="1"/>
Now if we did not want to take forever in crafting those bundles we could change the crafting time from 10 to .5 as seen below.

Code: Select all

<recipe name="resourceRockSmallBundle" count="5" craft_time=".5" craft_exp_gain="0">
	<ingredient name="resourceRockSmall" count="1"/>
And say we wanted some experience for doing all that... Yes again seen below.

Code: Select all

<recipe name="resourceRockSmallBundle" count="5" craft_time=".5" craft_exp_gain="1">
	<ingredient name="resourceRockSmall" count="1"/>
So now we are making 5 bundles of small stones which will give us 6000 x 5 = 30,000

Now lets say that you are a lot like me & you really hate it when you play the game with other players who refuse to replant the trees when they cut them down leaving the world looking like a wasteland! You could choose to make all those bundle types with small stones I mean its not like there is a shortage of stone in the world right?

to do this all you need to do is change each as follows, also seen below...

Code: Select all

<recipe name="resourceRockSmallBundle" count="5" craft_time=".5" craft_exp_gain="1">
	<ingredient name="resourceRockSmall" count="1"/>

<recipe name="resourceWoodBundle" count="5" craft_time=".5" craft_exp_gain="1">
	<ingredient name="resourceRockSmall" count="1"/>

<recipe name="resourceScrapIronBundle" count="5" craft_time=".5" craft_exp_gain="1">
	<ingredient name="resourceRockSmall" count="1"/>

<recipe name="resourceOilShaleBundle" count="5" craft_time=".5" craft_exp_gain="1">
	<ingredient name="resourceRockSmall" count="1"/>

<recipe name="resourcePotassiumNitratePowderBundle" count="5" craft_time=".5" craft_exp_gain="1">
	<ingredient name="resourceRockSmall" count="1"/>

<recipe name="resourceLeadBundle" count="5" craft_time="10" craft_exp_gain="1">
	<ingredient name="resourceRockSmall" count="1"/>

<recipe name="resourceCoalBundle" count="5" craft_time=".5" craft_exp_gain="1">
	<ingredient name="resourceRockSmall" count="1"/>
I will cover more later...