Information on Modding The XML Config Files

Here you can find my modded files & information about how to mod files for this game.
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Tony Ford
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Information on Modding The XML Config Files

Post by Tony Ford »

Alright so first you will need to local your Steam folder on your computer where ever you installed it. On mine its,
E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Data\Config\

But yours will most likely be more like this unless like me you installed it on another hard drive,
C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Data\Config\

Make sure to make a copy of the "Config" folder/directory locally so you don't need to verify the files after if you need to replace things when messing something up or making a mistake. Also make a 2nd copy to use as the modded version so you have a good working version of your mods in case you mess up in the future lol.

The files we want to mod are the *.xml "*" being the name of the file with ".xml" as the extension on the end of it.

For example if we wanted to modify our hands to do 1 hit damage on anything in the game be it Zombies, walls, buildings, etc we could want to edit the "items.xml" file, and look for the following which I have already made changes to. The edited version below will give you 1 Million damage to all animals, zombies, and blocks in the game. Blocks being dirt, trees, metal, anything that is not animals, humans, zombies, etc. So pretty much anything you hit you can kiss it goodbye! Except bedrock!

Code: Select all

<!-- *** Hands -->

<item name="meleeHandMaster">
	<property name="Tags" value="blunt,melee,light,perkFlurryOfFortitude"/>
	<property name="CreativeMode" value="None"/>
	<property name="HoldType" value="9"/>
	<property name="Material" value="Morganic"/>
	<property name="Canhold" value="false"/>
	<property name="Stacknumber" value="1"/>
	<property name="Candrop" value="false"/>
	<property name="CustomIcon" value="missingIcon"/>
	<property class="Action0"><!-- AttackAction -->
		<property name="Class" value="Melee"/>
		<property name="Delay" value=".8"/> <!-- obsolete if rounds per minute exists -->
		<property name="Range" value="1.65"/> <!-- This not what "clientside melee combat" means. =) This is the adjustment afterwards due to code changes. -->
		<property name="Sphere" value=".1"/>
		<property name="Block_range" value="2.5"/>
		<property name="DamageEntity" value="10"/>
		<property name="DamageBlock" value="16"/>
	<effect_group name="meleeHandMaster" tiered="false">
		<passive_effect name="DamageFalloffRange" operation="base_set" value="1.65"/>

<item name="meleeHandPlayer"> <!-- T1 brawling -->
	<property name="Extends" value="meleeHandMaster"/>
	<property name="Tags" value="blunt,melee,grunting,light,perkFlurryOfFortitude,attFortitude,perkBrawler"/>
	<property name="CreativeMode" value="None"/>
	<property name="HoldType" value="0"/>
	<property class="Action0">
		<property name="Class" value="DynamicMelee"/>
		<property name="Sphere" value=".15"/>
		<property name="Damage_type" value="Bashing"/>
		<property name="GrazeStart" value=".3"/>
		<property name="GrazeEnd" value=".5"/>
		<property name="SwingDegrees" value="5"/>
		<property name="UseGrazingHits" value="true"/>
		<property name="SwingAngle" value="-90"/>
		<property name="Sound_start" value="fists_swinglight"/>
	<property name="SoundUnholster" value="weapon_unholster"/>
	<property name="SoundHolster" value="weapon_holster"/>
	<property class="Action1"> <!-- UseAction -->
		<property name="Class" value="DynamicMelee"/>
		<property name="Sphere" value=".15"/> <!-- limit to 0.15, else the sphere cast can overlap the target already -->
		<property name="UsePowerAttackAnimation" value="true"/>
		<property name="GrazeStart" value=".3"/>
		<property name="GrazeEnd" value=".4"/>
		<property name="SwingDegrees" value="65"/>
		<property name="UseGrazingHits" value="true"/>
		<property name="SwingAngle" value="90"/>
		<property name="Sound_start" value="fists_swingheavy"/>
	<property class="Action2">
		<property name="Class" value="Eat"/>
		<property name="Delay" value="1"/>
		<property name="BlocksAllowed" value="water"/>
		<property name="Sound_start" value="player_drinking"/>
		<property name="Description" value="lblContextActionDrink"/>
	<effect_group name="meleeHandPlayer" tiered="false">
		<passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_set" value="1000000"/>
		<passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="base_set" value="1000000"/>
		<passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value="100" tags="earth"/>
		<passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value="100" tags="stone"/>
		<passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value="100" tags="metal"/>
		<passive_effect name="AttacksPerMinute" operation="base_set" value="80"/>
		<passive_effect name="StaminaLoss" operation="base_set" value="0" tags="primary"/>
		<passive_effect name="MaxRange" operation="base_set" value="5.0"/>
		<passive_effect name="BlockRange" operation="base_set" value="5.0"/>
	<effect_group name="Power Attack" tiered="false">
		<passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value="1" tags="secondary"/>
		<passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="perc_add" value="1" tags="secondary"/>
		<!-- <passive_effect name="AttacksPerMinute" operation="perc_add" value="-.3" tags="secondary"/> -->
		<passive_effect name="StaminaLoss" operation="base_set" value="0" tags="secondary"/>
	<effect_group name="Drink" tiered="false">
		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfAction2End" action="LogMessage" message="Drink"/>
		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfAction2End" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="$waterAmountAdd" operation="add" value="100"/>
		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfAction2End" action="AddBuff" buff="buffProcessConsumables"/>
		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfAction2End" action="ModifyStats" stat="Health" operation="add" value="100">
			<!-- <requirement name="StatCompareCurrent" stat="Health" operation="GT" value="10"/> -->
			<requirement name="!HasBuff" buff="buffWaterPurifier"/>
		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfAction2End" action="ModifyCVar" cvar=".DiseaseRoll" operation="set" value="0"/>
		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfAction2End" action="ModifyCVar" cvar=".DiseaseRoll" operation="add" value="@$MetabolismResist"/>
		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfAction2End" action="AddBuff" buff="buffDysenteryCatchDrink">
			<requirement name="RandomRoll" seed_type="Random" min_max="0" operation="LTE" value="@.DiseaseRoll"/>
		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfAction2End" action="PlaySound" sound="player#vomit">
			<requirement name="!HasBuff" buff="buffWaterPurifier"/>
		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfAction2End" action="AwardChallenge" challenge_stat="drinkwater" count="1"/>
I also altered the file to remove sickness when you drink water that has not been boiled from any source including those dirty toilets! YUCK! You take 0 stamina loss when you hit things also. This works for anyone in your game so its not considered to be cheating or unfair.

I will also include an altered version of this file with this post along with the original. Keep in mind that you will need a new file for each game update!
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Tony Ford
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Modded & Original Files Here V1.0 B336

Post by Tony Ford »

This is the modded version of this file!
(1.63 MiB) Downloaded 55 times
This is the modded version of the file!
This is the original file!
(1.63 MiB) Downloaded 55 times
This is the original file!

So you have both versions here.
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